Every Action Matters 

Every action, no matter how small,
can impact and change the world.

Every Action Matters represents our commitment to becoming a more sustainable company, reflected in our operations, culture, and values. All of our sustainability initiatives are unified under this movement.

Through this campaign, we aim to inspire other organizations to embrace the company’s belief that not only grand gestures, but also small actions, can have a significant impact on the lives of others and the care of our planet.

Certifications and Awards 


Uniting for Impact: How We Aim to Amplify Our Strength in the Logistics Industry

Our goal is to harness the collective strength of industry members to continue driving positive change. By collaborating on sustainability efforts, we contribute not only to a healthier planet and a better society but also forge a path toward a more responsible and resilient industry.

This commitment to sustainability is not just about mitigating environmental impacts and advancing social initiatives; it’s about creating a legacy of positive influence on society and the earth for generations to come.

What are Our Initiatives?

At GLT, we are dedicated to transforming the dreams of our team and the communities we serve into tangible realities. Discover our initiatives aimed at making a positive impact in:

United States

Niña recibiendo paquete
GLT Team
Our people

United States

Two man
Partnership with Delivering Better Lives Foundation
Since 2023, we closely partnered with the Delivering Better Lives Foundation, contributing to part of their mission of improving shelter in local communities to make a meaningful difference.

Renovation of ‘His House Children’s Home’

In September of 2023, we managed to bring together 40 volunteers to renovate a cottage at ‘His House Children’s Home,’ a haven for foster children. Our aim was to create a positive change for the kids supported by this Foundation and to encourage our logistics community to help us in the effort to improve the lives of children in foster care. GLT donated $18,000 to this initiative.

Supply Donations for His House Beneficiaries

We have encouraged industry members to contribute donations for the children of the foundation. On one hand, we received over 50 donations of supplies such as baby wipes, diapers, and toys during the house renovation project. On the other hand, in December, we gathered gift donations, making Christmas brighter for more than 50 foster care children.

Logistics Sessions

These free educational events attract industry professionals and guests from leading companies, serving as a marketing strategy for brand awareness. With 19 events, we have invited at least 60 high-profile figures in the industry. This series have reached more than 2,000,000 people since their inception.

Attendees gain practical knowledge, connect with professionals, build relationships, and find growth opportunities in inclusive spaces that break corporate culture barriers and empower cooperation.

Logistics Sessions Every Action Matters Edition

In 2023, we hosted a special event focused on encouraging organizations to generate social and environmental impacts. This event featured prominent individuals like Daniel Grimes, CEO of Delivering Better Lives, and Denise Kearns, Environmental Protection Specialist at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Logistics Industry United Against COVID-19:

Throughout the pandemic, Logistics Sessions supported the American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) through sponsorships and revenue generated from our virtual summit, ‘Logistics Industry United Against COVID-19.’ Our aim was to continue supporting ALAN’s initiatives, helping them address supply challenges for non-profit organizations.


Partnership with “Casa De La Chinca” in Medellin:

In collaboration with Delivering Better Lives, we contribute to this foundation dedicated to providing shelter and education to girls, adolescents, and young women in vulnerable situations.

Our support helps create a safe and empowering environment where they can transform their realities and become integral, empowered individuals.

Partnership with EAFIT University

This alliance aims to raise funds to support the education of students who, due to economic hardships, are at risk of dropping out of university.

We believe that ensuring the right to education can create change, not only in the lives of those who receive this right but also has a global impact.

Computer Donations

Every month, GLT donates computers to children and schools lacking access to the necessary tools for skill development. Through this initiative, we have donated more than 400 computers to kids and schools, helping them pursue their goals and contribute to building a better future.

Joined Forces with the Mónica Uribe por Amor Foundation

We join their quest to promote social inclusion for individuals with spina bifida. As part of this initiative, in March 2024, 32 members of our team participated in the “Corre por Amor” marathon in Medellin with the registration fees going to benefit the organization.



Our GLT Team

GLT team
Every Action Matters, Every Day!
We promote a culture of service among our team members, ensuring that each interaction significantly impacts our peers, customers, carriers, and other partners.
Recognizing the potential to make a difference in every aspect of life, we develop training programs that enhance our employees’ skills, enabling them to deliver the best experiences possible.
To achieve this, our leaders visit our team members’ cities to inspire full adherence to our core values. We also host webinars with experts like David Gómez, known for his bestselling books about business and customer experience.
Contribution to the Education of Our Employees:

Every year, we offer educational funding to our team members, which includes English courses and higher education programs.

Wellness Activities and Campaigns
GLT is committed to developing our talent through extensive training and self-care initiatives for the welfare of our employees. We firmly believe that healthy workspaces are the key to a happy team passionate about their work.

Some initiatives we have promoted:

Outdoor Activities: We organize outdoor activities, like nature walks, to encourage healthy living and caring for nature among our employees.

Finances on Point: We aim to reduce employee financial concerns by developing their savings skills, helping to prevent situations that could lead to stress or anxiety.

Mental Health Awareness: We have fostered mental well-being among our team to lessen mental health concerns in both their personal and work lives. This effort is supported by our ‘Emotional Gym’ at GLT, designed to enhance emotional resilience.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for All: We are committed to upholding DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) in our workplace. Therefore, we offer courses on women’s empowerment at GLT. Additionally, we train our team on the importance of recognizing, accepting, and respecting others to eliminate any form of discrimination or bias.

Botellas de Amor Foundation: We spread the word about this foundation initiative, raising awareness about the importance of recycling and how we can reduce waste in our daily lives.

Other Wellness Campaigns: Through content aimed at our internal audience, we have encouraged our employees to adopt a healthy diet and sleep habits to decrease the risk and predisposition to both mental and physical illnesses.

Customer Experience

Our CX Academy offers comprehensive training to empower our team in implementing an exceptional customer experience. This course cultivates customer-centric skills and mindset, fostering a truly customer-focused company.

GLT University

Designed to train all team members on skills and performance requirements. We ensure everyone understands all processes within the company to meet high quality standards.

The Advantages of Joining Our Movement
Magnify your impact with our resources!

We understand that developing sustainability initiatives requires significant resources from your company. If you’re keen on creating actions that impact both the planet and society but lack the human talent to do so, consider joining GLT.

Through a strategic partnership, we will take action on behalf of your company.

Achieve brilliant visibility with co-branding!

We will handle the marketing for this initiative.

If your organization joins us, you can count on the publication of two press releases per year highlighting the work we do together.

Additionally, your brand will be featured in GLT communications related to Every Action Matters, showcasing your contribution to the initiative as a partner company.

At GLT, we are very interested in expanding our impact on society and the planet by joining forces with allied companies.

If you are interested in building a partnership with us, please write to the email address amolinas@goglt.com